Guildford wedding photographer Surrey Wedding

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Guildford wedding photographer; Lauren Henson, situated the heart of Surrey. I consider myself very lucky to have some amazing wedding venues close by. Guildford has some gorgeous venues and some beautiful surroundings and I have had a great time photographing there. One venue I have loved photographing at is Gate Street Barn, it has the most gorgeous surrounding and has recently gone through a fantastic refurb. There are some other awesome venues around the Guildford are such as Losley Park and not far away; down the road in Dorking, is the gorgeous Wotton House.

Living in Surrey I have a great choice in different types of venues too, whether is be a barn or a manor house. I am very lucky to be near to places like Woking, Farnham, Fleet, Dorking. They have some amazing venues such as Bury Court Barn, Botley’s Mansion, Northbrook park.

You can check out some of my blogs on these awesome venues here. If you like what you see get in touch.
